Create from one l e t t e r at a — no
one word at a time. Letters are meaningless
without formulation. Take a cat,
turn it into car by one letter (just one space) over on
my QWERTY. Is that power or what?
Move a mountain from one country to another
a BACKSPACE or DELETE. Be a millionaire with a mansion
pay people to keep it clean or live nomad-like, free eagle on a dollar bill
be chased throughout the country.
I can be bias-free. I can make it so that la gente son sin color
in their perceptions of other human beings. Rewrite history
so there is no slavery, that this nation was not built on hundreds of years of free labor
then there would be more equality and people would need another reason to bend the knee.
I have power in these hands.
Spark the imagination, make one think twice about concepts;
cause mindsets to change, shift paradigms these hands
have choices and I ask, What will I choose to do with these hands today?
What will I create?
Who will be the hero?
Who will be the villain?
Will the conflict be internal or external?
How will my plot thicken?
Resolution can come fast or slow?
How does one like their climax to be followed?
This writing life…