Member-only story
Make Peace a Thing…Again
Some of my good friends are white.
Some of my friends are from the white culture.
I have white friends.
It just so happens that some of my friends are white.
No matter how it is said, it sounds trite. It’s corny that in this country we have to ascribe a racial makeup to every person. As if that pre-requisite will excuse and justify and/or make sense of behavior we ourselves refuse to call by its name. As a parent you learn quickly to separate the behavior from the person. To do otherwise would have you throwing out the proverbial baby with the bathwater.
Why is it that in this country we cannot, will not, (refuse to?) call out a crime without vilifying an entire group of people through attachment? And in doing so conveniently forgetting that in this country with the cross-cultural multi-generational intermingling, you may very well have the genes of that very group you castigate. (Think, 23andme…)
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