When the word peace comes to mind, the association is usually to war, two factions going against one another. With that thought, having peace of mind, an internal contentment that says “I’m okay,” is a goal most people would love to attain.
Particularly during this present COVID-19 pandemic, many are concerned about their health, food supply, the economy and of course, dying.
For those who have been told to (or forced to) stay at home, this is a perfect time to mitigate some of those concerns. Pray.
Well, how do I pray?
God doesn’t answer my prayers?
Why is God even allowing this?
I’ll start with a step of faith. Do you believe God exists? If yes, you can pray.
Prayer is the way we build relationship. We can talk to Him, just like we talk to the people we love and care about.
As a new comedian, Ellen DeGeneres’ stand up routine included a segment where she calls God on the phone and says, “Hello, God…It’s me, Ellen.” After a short pause, she says, “What do you mean, Ellen who?”
If you have not prayed in a while, it may seem that God does not know who you are either. Rest assured He does. He knows You by name and if you pray to Him, He will hear you.